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Based on the four pillars of Sustainability—Social, Economic, Environment and Governance—the agreement recognizes the evolving nature of the relationship between YVR and Musqueam through education, employment, revenue sharing, an engagement protocol for long-term development and support of operations.


Social: The agreement creates an education-to-employment path between YVR and Musqueam and a clear process for consultation on future developments.

  • The agreement includes a comprehensive engagement protocol that lays out the process of dialogue between Musqueam and YVR for support of future developments and operations at the airport.
  • YVR will fund up to ten scholarships per year, valued at $10,000 each, for Musqueam members to attend recognized educational institutions or training programs, including trade preparation programs.
  • YVR will provide apprenticeships and new employment positions with Vancouver Airport Authority.
  • YVR and Musqueam will collaborate to identify contracting opportunities for Musqueam businesses.
  • Musqueam will submit, for consideration, proposals for increased Musqueam cultural and artistic contributions at the airport.

Economic: The Agreement creates a revenue sharing arrangement between YVR and Musqueam.

  • YVR will commit one per cent of annual revenue to Musqueam Indian Band over a 30-year term. In 2017 this figure was $5.3 million, based on YVR’s 2016 revenues. This is funded through YVR’s non-aeronautical revenue and will not come from the Airport Improvement Fee.

Environment: The agreement addresses how Musqueam and YVR will work together to protect the land and waters in and around Sea Island.

  • YVR will support Musqueam in hosting an annual community workshop on the Noise Management Plan.
  • YVR will work with Musqueam to identify areas in and around Sea Island for restoration and enhancement in accordance with a recent study.
  • YVR will consider Musqueam input and collaborate on any resulting amendments to mitigation strategies for any potential environmental emergencies that may occur on Sea Island.
  • Musqueam and YVR will work together to ensure identification and protection of archeological resources on Sea Island.

Governance: YVR and Musqueam are committed to ensuring this agreement meets the expectations of both parties and results in the continuous building of a positive and mutually beneficial friendship.

  • YVR will hire a Relationship Manager from Musqueam to further develop the relationship between the two parties, facilitating the elements of this agreement and exploring new joint business opportunities.
  • Musqueam and YVR will each appoint members to sit on a Musqueam – YVR Committee to facilitate ongoing communication, monitor the implementation of the Agreement and evaluate new joint business opportunities.
  • The agreement ensures that YVR will continue to be an economic generator for B.C. and a leader in social responsibility through Musqueam support for the airport’s ongoing operations and future developments.

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