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Abatement Requirements

The Airport Authority is committed to abating materials found to contain one or more hazardous substances in excess of the defined limits (see Asbestos and Lead). WorkSafeBC-required elements of an abatement project include:

  • Write a Scope of Work for Abatement document.
  • Send a Notice of Project to WorkSafeBC.
  • Conduct occupational and ambient sampling (as necessary based on risk).
  • Conduct daily inspections.
  • Conduct a final visual assessment.
  • Conduct air clearance sampling (as necessary based on risk).
  • Provide a statement indicating that hazardous material was removed in compliance with WorkSafeBC regulatory requirements.
  • Provide proof of hazardous waste disposal (Ministry of Environment waste manifest).

At the airport, abatement follows this process flow:

  1. The contract owner is required to engage an Airport Authority representative environmental consultant.
  2. If the project is going to tender, the Airport Authority representative environmental consultant writes a specification for abatement.
  3. The prime contractor (or in limited situations, the contract owner) engages an Airport Authority pre-qualified abatement contractor.
  4. If the project did not go to tender, the Airport Authority representative environmental consultant and Airport Authority pre-qualified abatement contractor write a Scope of Work for Abatement document.
  5. The Airport Authority representative environmental consultant reviews the Abatement Work Plan provided by the Airport Authority pre-qualified abatement contractor before work starts.
  6. The Airport Authority pre-qualified abatement contractor conducts the abatement work and, where required, ensures that the third-party environmental consultant performs monitoring as necessary.
  7. The Airport Authority representative environmental consultant performs QAQC on the abatement work, conducts a final teardown approval for high-risk and certain moderate-risk work, and submits documentation to the BRHEMP administrator and the contract owner.
  8. Hazardous waste is disposed of at an approved facility. Copy 2 (green) of the Ministry of Environment waste manifest is sent to Health & Safety or the Airport Authority representative environmental consultant if requested.

Some Substances Have Specific Requirements

If you're working with one of these substances, you must read the additional information.

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