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Reviewing Completed Work

Overall Safety Performance

While contracted work is being done, it is monitored to determine how well H&S expectations are being met, and appropriate responses are provided based on performance. Depending on how effective these responses were while the work was being done, the project’s overall performance once work is complete may meet, exceed, or fall short of expectations.

Reviewing the work following completion can provide valuable insight into how to improve the work in future.

Once contracted work is complete for the year, or entirely, contract owners evaluate actual H&S performance against the H&S objectives and expectations that were identified for the work during the planning stage. There are three potential outcomes:

  • Expectations not met: H&S objectives were not achieved as outlined in the Contractor Safe Work Plan.
  • Expectations met: H&S objectives were achieved as outlined in the Contractor Safe Work Plan.
  • Expectations exceeded: H&S performance surpassed expectations as outlined in the Contractor Safe Work Plan.

Compliance Review

In addition to monitoring performance, performance was also measured throughout the life of the work or over a set period of time, and the data collected may have indicated varying performance levels.

Once work is complete for the year, or entirely, it is time to review the data and consider how well the contracted work met the following:

  • Regulations
  • Stakeholder expectations
  • Airport Authority contract owner requirements
  • Risk register controls and requirements
  • CSMP expectations

Reviewing the data will indicate if the contracted work met, exceeded, or fell short of expectations.

The following documents may be used to help assess compliance:

  • Site visit records
  • Incident reports
  • Meeting minutes
  • Mid-project review

Review of Completed Work

Once work is complete, consider reviewing the following aspects of the contracted work that were monitored during the work phase to determine if they were effectively managed from an OH&S perspective.

Intended actions, plans, roles, and responsibilities
Were the intended actions, plans, roles, and responsibilities executed and in place for the contracted work? Were they effective for the duration of contracted work? Were they monitored for the duration of the contracted work?

Were stakeholders engaged appropriately throughout the duration of the work? Were stakeholders expectations met for the duration of the work?

Key performance indicators
Were the KPIs in the Contractor Safe Work Plan indicative of good practice, demonstrating that the work was on track for meeting expectations?

Did the contracted work meet the targets identified in the Contractor Safe Work Plan?

Did the contracted work meet the main expectations identified in the H&S objective for the contracted work as a whole?

Risk register
Was the risk register adequate for the scope of work? Was it maintained? Were risk register controls effective?

Was H&S monitoring for the project effective?

Were there any deviations?

  • Where work did not meet H&S expectations, what trends can be determined?
  • Where work met H&S expectations, what actions, behaviours, or conditions led to successfully meeting expectations?
  • Where work exceeded H&S expectations, what factors led to improved performance?

Responses to performance
Where responses were required based on performance, were they adequate and effective? Were responses to performance proactive or reactive?

Overall H&S performance
How can the overall H&S performance of the contracted work be assessed and described?

Required actions
What actions, if any, are required based on the assessment and description of H&S performance now that work is finished?

Lessons learned
What would be added to lessons learned for similar work in the future?

Post-work review summary
How can the feedback from the work now completed be summarized and captured for future reference?

Post-Work Review

The post-work review is a helpful mechanism for collating H&S performance data to evaluate how well the contracted work actually met expectations now that work is done for the year, or entirely. The results of the review can help identify H&S areas that may need to be adjusted to achieve the desired level of performance for future work.

The post-work review should consider the following:

  • Review of performance
  • Major incidents
  • If the contracted work is on track to achieve anticipated health and safety objectives, targets, and key performance indicators
  • Whether there have been any significant occurrences of H&S best practice
  • Key H&S strengths and opportunities for improvement within the project
  • Lessons learned (opportunities for general discussion)

Post-Work Response

The review of data collected while work was being done will indicate the level of H&S performance and which of the three outcomes was achieved: expectations not met, expectations met, or expectations exceeded.

If actual work performance deviated from the expectations identified at the planning stage, the contract owner provides a response that is appropriate for the degree of deviation. The Contractor Safe Work Plan outlines the responses that apply to each outcome.

Once the post-work review is complete, any relevant updates and information are added to ComplyWorks to keep the contractor profile up to date for other Airport Authority contract owners.

For questions related to this content, please contact YVR Contractor Safety by email at [email protected] or by phone at 778-836-2192.

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