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Monitoring and Responding

Post-Work Expectations

The contracted work will be monitored as it’s being completed to determine how well OH&S expectations are being met, and will have appropriate responses depending on performance. Depending on how effective the project’s responses were while the work was being done, the overall performance of the project may itself have met, exceeded, or fallen short of expectations. Reviewing the work post completion can help provide value and insight into how the work could be improved moving on.

Once the contracted work is complete, the H&S performance will have 3 outcomes based on the identified H&S Objectives, and expectations for the contracted work:

  1. Expectations not met, and H&S objectives were not achieved
  2. Expectations met, and H&S objectives were achieved
  3. Expectations exceeded, and H&S performance surpassed expectations

Measuring Compliance and Deviation

Just as the monitoring took place throughout the life of the work, or over a set period of time for the work, measuring also took place throughout the life of the work, and may have indicated varying levels of performance. Now that the work is complete for the year, or entirely, and data has been collected from monitoring activities, the data should be reviewed and given consideration to determine how well it performed in meeting:

  • Regulations
  • Stakeholder Expectations
  • YVR Contract Owner Requirements
  • Risk register controls and requirements
  • CSMP expectations

Once the data is collected, and reviewed, it will provide an outcome that is either meeting or exceeding expectations, or has fallen short of expectations. Some documents that may be used to help identify compliance are:

  • Site visit records
  • Incident reports
  • Meeting minutes
  • Mid Project review

Post-Work Review

The post-work review is a helpful mechanism that can collate the monitoring, measuring, of the H&S performance data to calibrate how well the contracted work actually met expectations now that work is done for the year, or entirely. The results of the post-work review can help identify areas of H&S that may need to be adjusted to achieve the desired level of performance for future work. The post-work review should consider:

  • Review of performance
  • Major Incidents
  • Tracking against set H&S objectives, targets, and KPIs
  • Key H&S strengths and opportunities for improvement within the project
  • Lessons learned (opportunities for general discussion)

The post-work-questionnaire can be used to help guide an assessment of work recently completed.

Responses Post-Work

Where expectations identified at the planning stages of the contracted work varied from actual performance for work now completed for the year, or entirely, there are a number of options to be considered depending on the degree of variance from expectations. Three types of deviations have been defined as the following:

  1. Expectations not being met, H&S objectives are not being achieved
  2. Expectations being met, H&S objectives are being achieved
  3. Expectations being exceeded, H&S performance is surpassing expectations

As outlined in the CSMP, there will be responses identified by the YVR contract owner that apply to the above three outcomes. Now that the contracted work has ended, for the year, or entirely, it can be monitored, and measured, and the data will indicate one of the three outcomes. Those identified responses should be appropriately applied to the level of H&S performance the work is achieving. Once the post-work review is complete, any relevant updates or information that are applicable to the contractor should be added to ComplyWorks to keep the contractor profile up to date for other YVR contractor owners.

For questions related to this content, please contact YVR Contractor Safety by email at [email protected] or by phone at 778-836-2192.

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