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Monitoring Safe Work

Planning to Monitor and Measure Performance

The relevant set objectives, targets, and key performance indicators (KPIs) identified in the planning stage need to be recorded, monitored, and measured throughout the life of the work to determine if health and safety are being managed effectively and if H&S performance is meeting expectations.

The following are some examples of ways of monitoring health and safety to assess performance:

  • Assessments of compliance with legal and other requirements
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of OH&S training
  • OH&S behaviour-based observations
  • Review of permits, and other H&S document requirements
  • Worker surveys
  • Inspections
  • Health screenings/testing
  • Incident/near-miss reports
  • Monthly statistics (frequency, occurrence, and severity of incidents)
  • Audits (internal and external)
  • Worker involvement (for example, satisfaction surveys, employee suggestions)
  • Management reviews

Monitoring Roles and Responsibilities

In the planning stage, specific individuals were assigned roles and responsibilities for administering, supervising, and carrying out H&S aspects of the contracted work. Once work gets underway, it is essential to ensure that expectations are being met and that designated individuals are effectively carrying out the requirements of their role. Below are some examples of ways to monitor key aspects of roles and responsibilities.

Consider the following monitoring tools. Are they available to those who need them? Are they being used? Are they being completed? How effective are they?

  • Site orientations
  • Toolbox talks
  • Site inspections/walks
  • Field-level hazard assessments
  • Incident investigation
  • Corrective and preventive measures
  • Submission of safety statistics to the Airport Authority

Check with the stakeholders who are responsible for these tools to determine how well they are being used and how effectively they are helping to identify and control hazards.

When monitoring roles and responsibilities:

  • Look for documented evidence.
  • Communicate with the individuals using the tools and with those who are affected by their use.
  • Visit the site and observe the tools in use where feasible.
  • Was the information captured by the tool relevant to the work being done?
  • How is the quality of the tool once completed?
  • Was the information captured thorough enough, or was it somewhat vague?

Monitoring Permits and Submissions

Contract owners need to determine how the required permits and documentation identified in the planning stage will be monitored while work is being done to ensure that they are appropriate and current, and that their requirements are being met.

Monitoring Stakeholder Communication

At this point, the contract owner should have plans in place to communicate relevant project safety information to the appropriate stakeholders. Questions to ask about stakeholder communications are listed below.

How will H&S communications be monitored? Who are the key stakeholders, and what are the means for communicating with them? Are the stakeholders satisfied with the progress, and with communication about the contracted work?

Which of the following are being used? Are other forms of communication being used effectively?

  • Meetings (kick-off meetings, project meetings, toolbox talks)
  • Posting visual signage in workplace
  • Bulletin board with updated safety information
  • Email / phone communications
  • Report submissions (updates on near-misses, incidents, and injuries)

How are the following key aspects of the contracted work being communicated to stakeholders?

  • Status of key performance indicators
  • Progress towards safety-related objectives and targets
  • Updates on performance (falling short, meeting expectations, or exceeding expectations)
  • Notice of significant incidents, causes, and controls

Monitoring the Risk Register

As work progresses, some identified hazards will be eliminated, while the risk levels of others may increase or decrease depending on various factors. The risk register in the Contractor Safe Work Plan should be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that risks identified in the planning stage are being managed adequately and eliminated where possible.

Questions to ask about the risk register include:

  • How is the risk register being impacted by the work?
  • Is the risk register being reviewed?
  • Is the risk register being updated and amended as required?

The following are examples of factors that may impact risk levels while work is ongoing:

  • New work environment
  • New equipment, tools, or machinery
  • Amendments, adjustments, or repairs to equipment, tools, or machinery
  • New employees
  • Completion of various stages of work

Required Monitoring Processes and Activities

At a minimum, these are the required monitoring processes that the contractor will need to submit or facilitate for all Airport Authority projects and contracted work.

  • All contractors are required to submit a monthly health and safety statistics report to Contractor Safety at the end of each month (or at the end of the contracted work if the duration is less than one month) where the following is reported:
    • Injuries
    • Damages
    • Near-misses
    • Person hours
    • Number of Toolbox talks and topics
    • Number of field-level hazard assessments completed
    • Number of completed safety inspections
    • JOSH meeting minutes (where applicable)
  • The contractor will be able to supply YVR Contractor Safety or the Contract Owner with documentation that supports the information reported in the monthly H&S stats report if requested.
  • Site inspections conducted by Contractor Safety and the Contract Owner, and facilitated by the contractor, at least once a month where applicable.
  • Contractor Safety invited to attend project meetings
  • Contractors maintain compliant status with ComplyWorks for the duration of the contracted work
  • Incident reports will be reviewed by Contractor Safety and Contract Owners. If required, more information or corrective actions can be asked of the contractor.

For questions related to this content, please contact YVR Contractor Safety by email at [email protected] or by phone at 604-276-7797.

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