In collaboration with Musqueam, Vancouver International Airport continues to enhance the habitat on Sea Island and protect its ecosystem, advancing actions to become the world’s greenest airport.
Vancouver International Airport (YVR) is the first airport in North America to achieve Salmon-Safe certification and today becomes the first organization in Canada to be recertified for another five years. As the airport takes a leadership role in shaping a greener tomorrow, this renewal acknowledges YVR’s continued efforts and commitment to ensure its land and water management practices protect Fraser River water quality and enhance the habitat so Pacific salmon can thrive.Vancouver International Airport (YVR) is the first airport in North America to achieve Salmon-Safe certification and today becomes the first organization in Canada to be recertified for another five years. As the airport takes a leadership role in shaping a greener tomorrow, this renewal acknowledges YVR’s continued efforts and commitment to ensure its land and water management practices protect Fraser River water quality and enhance the habitat so Pacific salmon can thrive.
“At YVR, we have a long history of sustainability and are proud to be at the forefront of creating a greener, more resilient future for aviation as well as our community,” said Marion Town, Director of Climate and Environment, Vancouver Airport Authority. “In following our Environmental Management Plan, YVR has set clear intentions to reduce YVR’s impact on the environment and our Salmon-Safe recertification is another major milestone as we work towards our ambitious goals.”
Salmon-Safe is a site-specific certification program recognizing progressive, environmentally friendly land and water management practices. The Fraser Basin Council co-manages Salmon-Safe in British Columbia, in partnership with Salmon-Safe Inc. in Portland. When first certified in 2016, YVR was given 10 conditions to meet Salmon-Safe standards which included changes in some of YVR’s practices to protect water quality and aquatic life from harmful pesticides; implement a comprehensive stormwater management plan; reduce site-wide water consumption and ensure zero sediment runoff during future construction activities.
“Through Salmon-Safe BC re-certification, YVR is demonstrating an ongoing commitment to minimize the impact of airport operations on the Fraser River, the surrounding estuary and marine ecosystems, and the future of Pacific Salmon,” said David Marshall, CEO, Fraser Basin Council. “YVR was the first airport to be Salmon-Safe certified in 2016, and two U.S. airports have since followed. We want this trend to continue in the transportation sector, and at other sites as well. Everyone can make a difference by adopting better land and water management practices.”
Today’s recertification also marks the first time Indigenous ways of knowing have been included in the assessment, by including an Indigenous Assessor as part of the team. Serving as a future model, Indigenous assessors provide historic knowledge and insights around environmental stewardship that bring a reconciliation lens to the process that both enhances and deepens the learning opportunity. For YVR, this is another opportunity to work with Musqueam to achieve a sustainable and mutually beneficial future for the region by way of its Sustainability and Friendship Agreement with Musqueam. Being recertified not only means YVR is meeting its Salmon-Safe conditions but enjoying the privilege of being able to learn from the knowledge and experiences of Indigenous people of British Columbia and develop a deeper understanding of the cultural significance of Salmon.
As YVR looks to its second recertification period, there are eight new conditions for the next five-years which commit YVR to continued improvement of environmentally friendly land and water management practices. As part of YVR’s overall environmental management plan, the airport also recently announced its Roadmap to Net Zero 2030 and ambitions to become one of the world’s greenest airports. To get there, YVR is focusing this year on the implementation of energy efficiency projects including lighting upgrades in the Terminal, maintaining its carbon neutral status, and encouraging implementation of Sustainable Aviation Fuels through its work with BioPortYVR and C-SAF.
Visit for more information on YVR’s climate and environmental approach and priorities.