As a community-based organization, Vancouver Airport Authority is committed to, and deeply values, transparent and ongoing dialogue with the communities we serve.
With a focus on achieving excellence in safety, efficiency and optimized land use, the Airport Authority is always looking ahead as part of meeting both the short- and longer-term needs of the province and the region. Vancouver Airport Authority has identified the potential need for additional runway capacity within the next 30 years. This has been reflected in our external land use plans for more than 10 years, including Master Plan 2027 and the current consultation process for Master Plan 2037. These plans have involved community and stakeholder consultation, including extensive conversations with City of Richmond.
As a first step in protecting for its future runway options, Vancouver Airport Authority recently notified Transport Canada of its intention to apply for changes to its airport zoning regulations – the zoning in areas surrounding the airport that ensures aircraft can safely operate. This is the beginning of a robust, federally-mandated process governed by Transport Canada which includes a detailed consultation schedule. Vancouver Airport Authority fully intends to follow the comprehensive consultation process set out by its regulator, Transport Canada, for new airport zoning regulations.
If in the future, Vancouver Airport Authority should decide it is necessary to build an additional runway, a lengthy and comprehensive multi-year process of environmental, noise, community and construction consultation will take place. All affected stakeholders will have the opportunity to voice their thoughts and give their input. Following this consultation process, any decisions regarding usage and operation of a new runway, including noise and time restrictions, will be determined by the regulator – Transport Canada.
Vancouver Airport Authority remains committed to timely and authentic community consultation as we strive to sustainably meet the air travel needs of British Columbia.
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