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Airport Reservation Office (ARO)

YVR Runway Slots - Airport Reservation Office - for General Aviation (GA) and Business Aviation (BA) Traffic

Vancouver International Airport / Aéroport international de Vancouver (YVR) is focused on maximizing runway capacity, reducing airfield congestion and delays, and curbing GHG emissions. That’s why YVR established an Airport Reservation Office (ARO) and now requires all users of YVR’s runway system to obtain an approved slot prior to operation.

YVR’s ARO manages all GA and BA runway slot reservations. The ARO utilizes the Online Coordination System (OCS) to enable the GA/BA operators to create and manage their slot reservations.

Commercial scheduled, charter, and cargo operators will continue to file their slots via the Airport Coordination Office. There is no change to this existing process.

GA and BA operators will require an OCS account to make their reservations. If you are an existing user of OCS, please contact [email protected] to have them add YVR to your account.

If you do not have an OCS account, and for new users, please click here to download the application form, complete it, and send it to [email protected].

Alternatively, you may be able to have your FBO create your reservations for you if you are an infrequent user of YVR’s facilities. Please contact your FBO directly to discuss this option.

Locally based GA/BA operators can book their reservations T-14 days prior to operation, while itinerant (non-YVR based operators), can book their reservations T-3 days (72 hours) prior to operation.

If your requested timings are not available, the system will provide the closest timing available before and after your requested slot time. OCS will provide you with a confirmation number of your slot ID which must be retained and included in your flight plan.

The ARO must be updated via the OCS tool if your planned flight times are changed or cancelled.

Reservations can be obtained by clicking here.

For a training package and video for new OCS users, please contact ARO at the contact listed below: 

For more information, contact ARO at [email protected].

All flights will be monitored for compliance and on-time performance. During IRROPS, such as a significant weather event, slot monitoring (performance) will be suspended; however, slot filings are still required to ensure operations has an accurate picture day-of flight demand.

ARO Exemptions:

The following operations are exempt from Slot filings via the ARO:

  1. Floatplanes using the water Runway
  2. Active (live) MEDEVAC flights
  3. Aircraft performing NAVAID flight checks
  4. Flights engaged in military, customs or police services operations
  5. Flights with Head of State status
  6. Flights involved in active firefighting operations
  7. Helicopters (RW) flying VFR
  8. Aircraft diversions due to weather, mechanical or medical emergencies 



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