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Little Wings Daycare is Soaring to New Heights

Child with arms spread wide like a plane entering the new Little Wings play areaSupporting our community is part of what we’re all about at YVR, so we’re excited to announce Little Wings Daycare has reopened at a new location on Sea Island! Little Wings Daycare has been part of our Sea Island community for nearly 30 years and plays an important role in the lives of many residents and employees.

After its old lease ended last year, the costs associated with purchasing and retrofitting suitable space, moving and securing playgrounds, and setting-up new infrastructure, extended well beyond Little Wings capacity as a non-profit society to fund alone. YVR is proud to have had a hand in supporting this project so Little Wings can continue to provide quality childcare service to Lower Mainland families, as they have been since 1991.

We also appreciate the support from many partners that stepped in to provide donated materials and contributions including Jacob Brothers, Rocksolid, Trident Millwork, Gallagher Construction, Colwin Electrical, Dual Mechanical, Avos Construction, Parker Johnston, Samson Metals and Lafarge. An army of other companies that already work in the Sea Island community also stepped forward to support this project in a host of other ways.

Thank you to all the volunteer parents who worked tirelessly to make this relocation possible. To support this thriving community, it’s important for us at YVR to ensure there is space for even our littlest community members: the children of Sea Island’s 26,000 employees and its residents.

At the grand reopening of Little Wings, we were happy to have special guests Minister Katrina Chen, Teresa Wat (MLA, Richmond North Centre), Richmond City Councillors Kelly Greene and Carol Day, Scott Jacob (President & CEO, Jacob Bros Construction) and YVR’s very own President & CEO Craig Richmond at the new facility to celebrate many more years of quality childcare service.

On behalf of the Airport Authority, congratulations to everyone who has been involved in making this new home possible. This is a great milestone and we are delighted to share in its success.

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