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Waste Wars 2019

The 2019 Waste Wars Winners 

Today, we celebrated YVR's fifth annual Waste Wars — a friendly competition that engages our tenants on the importance of managing waste. Waste Wars’ objective is to evaluate Food & Beverage tenants on their habits and accuracy of sorting waste into YVR’s four waste streams, while helping us achieve our target of 50 per cent waste diversion by 2020. 

Waste Wars rules are simple: organic waste belongs in the green bin, plastics, paper and metals go in the appropriate recycling or container bins and the remaining goes in the garbage. Every week, tenants’ bins were inspected by our waste experts and points were awarded based on the success of sorting. The better the tenant separated their waste, the more points they received! In the end, the tenant with the highest number of points won and a coveted win at that. In the world of YVR waste management, there is no higher accolade and it is one accompanied with superb prizes and bragging rights.

YVR’s waste warriors battled the bins, and after weeks of intense binning, digging and sorting, victories have been claimed and YVR’s best bins have been declared!

There are two categories: Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) and Restaurants. 

YVR’s Restaurant Waste Wars champion was Lift, with 39 out of a possible 42 points. In 2nd place with 36 points was Globe at Fairmont, and 3rd place was taken by White Spot with 33 points. White Spot is new to the podium for 2019.  

YVR’s QSR Waste Wars champion was Thai Hang. This restaurant is no stranger to winning as they won in 2018. They were exceptional again this year, attaining a perfect Waste Wars score!  This team is tenacious.

In 2019, five QSR tenants tied for second with 41 points. That is only one point below 1st place, and we are blown away by their determination. All five second place winners will also be recognized and awarded this year. They are: Java U Café, Vera’s Burger Shack, Camden Food Co., Subway (D-Pier), and The Banh Shop.

The awesome waste sorting skills exhibited throughout the campaign were nothing short of inspiring. These winners are the true champions of YVR’s environmental initiatives and their success is worthy of a celebration. Over the last five years, and especially in 2019, we have witnessed amazing progress and enthusiasm around accurate waste sorting. Tenants have become truly passionate about this cause, surely making Waste Wars the fiercest competition on Sea Island! All teams worked hard ensuring that less material is going to landfill, and more material is being properly recycled. 
Until 2020… Mission complete. Be sure to congratulate YVR’s food and beverage tenants on another successful year! 

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