YVR will be hosting an airport-wide exercise tomorrow, April 30th, that will simulate an emergency scenario. Safety is our number one priority at YVR and holding biennial large-scale exercises is one way that we maintain our high emergency response standards. Nearly 500 participants from 25 different agencies will be involved at YVR and around the Lower Mainland.
You may see activity at various locations in our terminal, on the airfield and near Templeton Skytrain Station between approximately 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There will be exercise participants and volunteers looking distressed in the terminal and in theatrical makeup and smoke near UPS Apron 9. Participants will all be clearly identified with vests, name tags or YVR baseball caps. If you see them, don’t be alarmed! Having actors helps our airport staff and emergency responders fine tune their training. Signs will also be posted around the airport alerting passengers to the exercise.
Hosting full-scale exercises is a key part of YVR’s Emergency Management Plan. By simulating emergency situations, we’re able to better prepare for the unlikely event of a real-life emergency at YVR.
Airport operations will not be affected by this exercise.