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Change is in the Air at YVR: May Construction Update


There are several key projects currently taking place that will enhance the airport experience. This includes our biggest sustainability projects to date, new parking options, terminal expansions and much more.

Some projects you may see on Sea Island this month include:

  • The curbside enhancement project continues which includes work to glass windows and the sidewalk along the Departures level. There are several construction zones set up along the departures level which impact sidewalk and curb access. More information on this project can be found at The work is expected to be complete by late Spring.
  • Work is taking place in the Domestic Transfer and In Transit Pre-Clearance Facilities as well as the International Terminal security screening area to introduce CATSA Plus, a high performance security screening system. Passenger routing may be modified for short periods of time around work areas. Any noisy work will take place at night to limit disruptions. All new systems are expected to be operational by the end of June.
  • Various early works are continuing in the old Value Lot (adjacent to the Parkade) to prepare for the construction of a new six-storey parking lot and Central Utilities Building. This work includes fence and hoarding installation, grubbing, some minor traffic control measures around the exit toll plaza and exploration work on roadways nearby.
  • Work is underway to prepare for the reconfiguration of the jetSet Parking lot. This work will impact some parking spots but the lot remains open and continues to be a parking option for travellers.  
  • As part of the parking reconfiguration project, the cell phone lot is currently temporarily relocated. There will be clear directional signage to the interim lot. Once the cell phone lot re-opens, it will be paved and have WiFi, offering an improved customer experience.
  • Construction is starting this month to prepare for Phase II of the McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Vancouver Airport. This phase is scheduled to open in Spring 2019 and will deliver 84,000 square feet of additional retail space. In anticipation of this opening, BC Hydro will start utilities work around Grant McConachie Way and Templeton the first week of May.
  • Construction begins this month on the North Runway End Safety Area (RESA). All YVR’s runways will have 300-metre RESAs, double the recommended Canadian standards. RESAs protect the travelling public in the unlikely event of an aircraft overrun or undershoot. This construction is expected to be completed in November and will include night time work. We are doing our best to minimize impact to our neighbours in Richmond, Vancouver’s south slope and Burkeville and encourage anyone who has more questions about construction to visit our website or to email [email protected].
  • Preparation work is underway as we relocate utilities as part of the above mentioned North Runway RESA project. Equipment and material will be visible from Ferguson Road.
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