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Customer Privacy

Vancouver Airport Authority / L'Administration de l’aéroport de Vancouver is subject to the Personal Information Protection & Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Privacy matters are overseen by our Vice President Legal and Chief Governance Officer, in their capacity as Privacy Officer.

We take the collection of information very seriously. Our organization is subject to several policies including our Privacy Policy, Privacy Breach Reporting Policy, and Technology Use Policy, which guide a range of actions and form part of the Privacy Management Program.

Recognizing that privacy and security go hand-in-hand, we have a cross-departmental, cyber security and privacy team. In the event of a breach, we would engage the team to contain it, evaluate risks and mitigate the situation. Under this team’s guidance, we regularly update our policies, offer customized departmental training, and communicate any changes to our approach through multiple channels. Our Privacy Policy is available on our website and we field all complaints through our Privacy Officer.

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