Water Conservation
YVR is working to reduce potable water consumption from airport sources. We are also working with business partners, airlines and communities to reduce water use.
At YVR, water use is directly related to the number of passengers travelling through our terminals. While YVR continues to welcome more and more passengers each year, we have reduced our water use per passenger by 31% - from 69 litres per passenger in 2012 to 48 litres per passenger in 2022.
Building on this progress, YVR is committed to improving water efficiency across Sea Island by 50 per cent per passenger by 2024, compared to our 2012 baseline.
As outlined in our 2020-2024 Environmental Management Plan, some of our initiatives to help improve water conservation include:
- Installing water fixtures that use less water
- Providing free pre-rinse spray valve replacements to tenants through rebates
- Reducing landscape irrigation through equipment and drought-tolerant plants
- Adhering to Metro Vancouver’s Drinking Water Conservation Plan and Lawn Watering Restrictions
- Engaging our partners through Project Green YVR
Learn more about our progress with improving water conservation in our Annual and Sustainability Report.