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Airport Zoning FAQs

1. Is YVR building a new runway?

No. There are no current plans to build a new runway at YVR.

Our 2037 Master Plan identifies the locations for two future runway options. These locations were determined based on extensive studies and consultations with our Musqueam partners, community, and other stakeholders. If we determine that it is necessary to build an additional runway in the future, a comprehensive environmental assessment would be completed and community consultations would take place. Issues such as environmental impacts, noise, possible effects on community and the process of construction will all be explored with all affected stakeholders.

2. Why go through the AZR application now, if YVR isn’t sure the additional runway is necessary?

As part of ongoing airport management, Vancouver Airport Authority / L'Administration de l’aéroport de Vancouver engages in both short- and long-term planning to ensure our operations maintain the highest level of safety and efficiency and that we deliver on our purpose of serving our community and the economy that supports it.

Applying for a new AZR at this time is prudent and essential. It ensures that the airspace will be free from obstacles when the time comes to proceed with one of the future runway options. This is imperative to the safe operation of the airport, which is our top priority.

3. Have you consulted with the City of Richmond and other affected municipalities? How are property owners going to be impacted?

As the AZRs are federal regulations, Transport Canada leads the process on how AZRs are enacted. This includes the consultation process, including the timing of notifications to affected stakeholders. As the governing body responsible for enacting and maintaining AZRs across Canada, they have the most informed knowledge of when it will make the most sense to interact with potentially affected landowners.

While working on this project, we have had numerous discussions with the City of Richmond to ensure the municipality was aware of – and had ample time to adjust to – community plans that could be affected by possible regulatory change. Discussions have also been had with other less affected municipalities, such as the City of Vancouver, City of Delta, and City of Burnaby.

We have also worked together with the City of Richmond to find solutions for several key developments in areas impacted by our proposed AZRs. We want to minimize the impact of the new AZRs on the community and developers while ensuring relevant airspace will be protected for future operations.  

4. Why send an AZR application to Transport Canada before it goes to public consultation?

We are following Transport Canada’s prescribed process for creating new AZRs. As the body responsible for the creation, amendment and enforcement of AZRs across the country, Transport Canada has a stringent process that prescribes when consultation occurs within the sequence of steps.

Transport Canada must first complete a technical and legal review of the proposed AZR before the consultation process can begin. This is to ensure that the proposed AZR meets all the technical standards and requirements for safe airport and aircraft operations and meets all the legal requirements for enactment as a federal regulation.

5. So when will you consult with the community about AZRs?

Transport Canada hosted advanced consultations on the proposed AZR from July 4 to September 29, 2022. Consultation has now concluded.

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