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Climate: Net Zero by 2030

In 2021, we announced our commitment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030, representing a significant first step in our climate action leadership role. We recognize the bulk of Sea Island emissions (more than 95 per-cent) are related to aircraft movements, traffic and non-Airport Authority buildings, and although they are beyond the immediate scope of our net-zero commitment, we are super-sizing our influence to enable the reductions of all emissions in the following areas.

  • We expect to invest $135 million over the next 10 years to meet our net-zero commitment as set out in our YVR Roadmap to Net-Zero by 2030.
  • We will work with our business partners in reducing emissions associated with aircraft movements to become the World’s Greenest Airport.
  • We will transition to a sustainable multi-modal hub to reduce Sea Island’s greenhouse gas emissions associated with ground transportation.
  • We will continue to invest in measures to increase our climate resilience as a response to extreme weather events, including updating our dikes and drainage systems, improving our HVAC, heating and cooling systems and investments to support low visibility capabilities of our airside in the event of fog and increased forest fires.

2022-2024 Strategic Plan Learn More

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